
network of developing mountain states and regions معنى

  • شبكة الدول والمناطق الجبلية النامية
  • network    n. شركة إذاعة و تل ...
  • of    prep. من, بشأن, بس ...
  • developing    إعمار; التطوير; تح ...
  • mountain    n. مقدار وافر, جبل ...
  • mountain states    الولايات الجبلية ( ...
  • states    أمريكا; أمريكيتان; ...
  • and    conj. واو العطف, أ ...
  • regions    أصقاع; أقاليم; أقط ...

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. network of aquaculture centres in asia and the pacific معنى
  2. network of asia pacific youth معنى
  3. network of asia-pacific education and training institutes in tourism معنى
  4. network of boards of investment and chambers for promoting industrial development and relocation معنى
  5. network of community-oriented educational institutions for health sciences معنى
  6. network of east west women معنى
  7. network of educational innovation for development in africa معنى
  8. network of entrepreneurship and economic development معنى
  9. network of european foundations for innovative cooperation معنى
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